The year was 2020 and the Universe decided it was time for the human paradigm to shift. We were told to isolate ourselves in our homes and to stay 6 feet away from one another because of a virus called COVID-19. Touching became taboo and standing in circle smoking and cyphering with loved ones and strangers became potentially fatal.
People of all colors and creeds sat in their homes absorbing mass amounts of content and witnessing horrors of racial injustices happening at alarming rates. The People then rebelled and took to the streets demanding for seeds of humanity to grow like weeds in the hearts and minds of political authorities who seem hell bent in maintaining the status quo.
It was in this cultural storm of change that Gift of Doja (G.o.D) broke through the dirt. G.o.D’s Curator Nina Parks had a vision that started to bloom in the stillness of the first shelter-in-place. The vision re-lit a fire in her consciousness and she could feel her Higher Self needing space to create and curate. It said now more than ever it was time to step up be a good steward of Sacred Plant Medicines and the Divine Feminine and that this wisdom needed to express itself as loudly and as unapologetically as California Cannabis herself.
…and so Gift of Doja was born, Nina Parks curates small batch cannabis grown by farmers from all over California who choose to cultivate the plant with love and intention. Each strain that is chosen highlights the unique expressions of the plant and each jar of Gift of Doja gives you a space to dedicate and manifest your own love and intentions into your daily life or into the lives of the ones that you gift it to.
Give the Gift of Doja.